Become a 


You must be a member of (1) TSI and (2) Trulle to be a member of Trulle

Register for TSI and Trulle by using this form:


  • (1) TSI membership is per calendar year (1 Jan-31 Dec). It costs 200 nok for students and 400 nok for non-students and is paid only once per year regardless of how many TSI subgroups you join.

  • (2) Kajakk/Trulle membership for 6 months costs 250 nok, while 12 months costs 400 nok. The membership period runs from the date you sign up so you’ll always get 6 months/12 months of Kajakk/Trulle (though you must also maintain membership in TSI which runs only according to the calendar year).

  • If you already registered with another TSI sport you do not need to pay the TSI fee again.

  • By clicking the button above you can register and pay your membership fees.

You need to be a member of both the parent group TSI and the sub-group TSI Kajakk/Trulle in order to join in for fun paddling activities. Welcome!